Let me tell you about all of my favorite things!!! The Restylane family of fillers is quite diverse and spectacular. Innovative technologies with dynamic results — NASHA Technology and XpresHAn Technology™ complement one another to provide the broadest range of HA fillers. I get asked everyday what is the difference between them. Let me break it down for you... The NASHA Technology is a firmer gel texture designed for lifting, precision, and projection. It includes Lyft, Restylane-L, and Silk. These products are particulate, and used for structure and support. They have a high G prime and are used in the cheeks, tear troughs (under eyes), jawline, chin, and lips.
The XpresHAn Technology™ is a more flexible, softer gel texture designed for contouring and volumizing and includes Refyne, Kysse and Defyne. These gels have flexibility, support and structure and are used in areas of expression/motion such as nasolabial folds, marionette lines, tear troughs and lips. Defyne has a relatively high G prime as well, so it can be used in the cheeks. I often use a combination of these products in the same patient for optimal results.
The Effects Of Sugar On Your Skin
The average American consumes almost 270 calories of added sugar each day. And in case you're wondering, that's almost 17 teaspoons of sugar. While the sweet stuff may taste delicious, it can also cause a lot of problems for your body and that includes your skin. All it takes is one look in the mirror to see how that pint of ice cream went to work on your skin while you were sleeping. But what is it about sugar that causes your skin to fight back with a vengeance? Sugar is an inflammatory food, so sugar causes inflammation within the body. When you eat a lot of sugar, the sugar goes directly to your gut, gets processed, then enters your bloodstream, which can lead to inflammation. The inflammation that happens when you eat foods with a high glycemic index can worsen certain skin conditions. High-glycemic foods such as white bread, soda, salad dressings, candy, and other baked goods contain refined and processed sugars and starches that cause your insulin to spike. When you eat sugar, insulin levels rise, which subsequently increases the inflammation in the skin. And since inflammation is a key component in the formation of acne, you end up seeing flare-ups and an increase in the amount of acne on your face. Too much sugar can also aggravate other skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. If it's aging skin you're worried about, avoiding excess sugar is definitely in your best interest. That's because diets high in sugar may accelerate skin aging. High glycemic foods also contribute to aging by increasing the breakdown of collagen fibers in a process called glycation. Aging skin has the most changes in the dermis, where collagen and elastin fibers reside, and with glycation, sugars basically bind with collagen to form something called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). It's this binding that causes collagen fibers to become stiff and brittle, leading to older-looking skin. The good news is you don't have to completely eliminate sugar to get your skin looking great, you just need to pay attention to where it's coming from.
Best way to quickly boost your immune system and keep your face youthful? GET OFF YOUR SUGAR
Sugar has a corrosive and damaging ☠️ systemic effect on our entire bodies, and in particular the immune system. At a time when we need our bodies operating at peak performance, we need to consider eliminating or at least limiting our daily sugar consumption. Why is sugar so hard to break up with? Because it’s a drug, an addictive substance that stimulates the same areas in the brain as cocaine and heroin. If you, like millions of Americans, are hooked and quitting cold turkey isn’t your style, then start tapering off in phases. The sooner you do it, however you do it, the faster you can start turning back the clock on AGING and amp up your immunity. That got your attention? While most people know that sugar helps drive weight gain, they don’t necessarily appreciate the big picture, that sugar is the quickest way to age and damage your organs, your skin, your brain and numerous other parts of you — making you OLD long before your time! Sugar ages your face – and the rest of you – fast!!! Like smoking and alcohol use, sugar accelerates aging, by weakening the immune system and promoting the development of diseases we all fear: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, to name a few. In combination with certain proteins, sugar creates deposits that get into the bloodstream. They become lodged in various places, sitting like rust on your organs and AGING you from the inside. On the skin, your largest organ, this phenomenon manifests visibly as wrinkles. On the inside of your body, these sugar compounds scar the blood vessels that feed your heart and your brain, contributing to heart disease and dementia. If you make only one change in 2022, it should be cutting sugar from your diet, along with honey and agave, which essentially are all the same to your system.
The Negative Effects of Alcohol On Your Skin
Avoiding alcohol—even for just 31 days—offers some significant benefits for your complexion. Alcohol, generally, isn’t good for your skin. Research has shown that regular consumption of alcohol causes vitamin deficiency, tissue damage, disruption of inflammatory responses, and decreased collagen production, which can show itself through puffiness under your eyes, volume loss in the middle of your face, and more visible blood vessels in your cheeks (all of which are considered “signs of aging”). Alcohol also impairs your skin’s own antioxidant defenses, which means it isn’t as well-prepped to protect itself from environmental stressors. While resetting your complexion may not be the primary reason you’ve decided to press “pause” on your nightly glass of wine, it’s an inevitable (and welcome) side effect. You’re going to see your skin barrier start to get stronger, and your skin look a little bit glowier and less inflamed within the first two weeks. And if you substitute the alcohol you’d usually be drinking with something that’s good for you—ideally something with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients, like pomegranate juice—you’ll probably be able to see even better results by week two or three. If you want to make the most out of these changes in your skin, I suggest adding topicals into your routine to help undo some of the alcohol-induced damage. Hydrating ingredients, like hyaluronic acid and ceramides, will quench thirsty skin, niacinamide works to decrease any remaining inflammation and redness from your drinking days, and bakuchiol will help stimulate collagen and elastin (without drying out the skin) to counteract the premature skin aging. And if you do decide to start drinking again—for what it’s worth—I recommend sticking with red wine, in moderation, for the sake of your skin—all of these ingredients will continue to help keep it healthy. Cheers to the best thing you’ll do for your skin all year!